期刊名称:International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering
出版社:Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science (IAES)
摘要:This work aims to improve the speed of search by creating an indexing structure in CBIR system. We utilised an inverted index structure that usually used in text retrieval with a modification. The modified inverted index is built based on histogram data that generated using Multi Texton Histogram (MTH) and Multi Texton Co-Occurrence Descriptor (MTCD) from 10,000 images of Corel dataset. When building the inverted index, we normalised value of each feature into a real number and considered pairs of feature and value that owned by a particular number of images. Based on our investigation, on MTCD histogram of 5,000 data test, we found that by considering histogram variable values which owned by maximum 12% of images, the number of comparison for each query can be reduced by 67.47% in a rate, the precision is 82.2%, and the rate of access to disk is 32.83%. Furthermore, we named our approach as Histogram Inverted Index (HII).
关键词:Computer and Informatics;Inverted Index Histogram Indexing CBIR