摘要:Every citizen of Indonesia is entitled to get education. In this matter already stated in the 1945 Constitution article 31 paragraph 1. Based on the article, both the municipal government and regional governments have an obligation to provide services and ease in the provision of quality education for every citizen without any discrimination. PPA scholarships are awarded by DIKTI for educational tuition support for academic achievement. PPA scholarships are awarded to D3 and S1 students in their region Kopertis environments. It is expected that universities and Kopertis can adjust to this. In order for the existing scholarship program can be implemented in accordance with the principles of 3T are: Right on target, Exactly Amount, and Timely. Currently in STMIK BinaSarana Global there is no system to determine the scholarship recipients, because there is no suitable system for the selection of scholarship recipients so often the decision is not objective for applicants who apply for scholarships, to produce decision support system that suits the needs of the user is implemented with using AHP and TOPSIS methods to get the best results. This research uses decision support system with AHP and TOPSIS method so that by using this method the scholarship recipients are more screened in accordance with GPA, Achievement, and economic ability which aim to determine the students who are eligible to receive PPA scholarship. The merger of AHP and TOPSIS method with the calculation result using AHP is 0.0550, 0.2633, 0.1178, 0,5640 and calculated using TOPSIS in the highest ranking of 0.980 applied in the Decision Support System with PHP &MySql.