摘要:A new method to generate multi-watt-level, octave-spanning, spectrally flat supercontinua stemmed from cascaded Raman scattering in graded-index multimode fibers is reported. Formation dynamics of supercontinua are investigated by studying the effect of fiber length and core size. High power handling capacity of the graded-index multimode fibers is demonstrated by power scaling experiments. Pump pulse repetition rate is scaled from kHz to MHz while pump pulse peak power remains same and ~4 W supercontinuum is achieved with 2 MHz pump repetition rate. To the best of our knowledge, this is the highest average power and repetition supercontinuum source ever reported based on a graded-index multimode silica fiber. Spatial properties of the generated supercontinua are measured and Gaussian-like beam profiles obtained for different wavelength ranges. Numerical simulations are performed to investigate underlying nonlinear dynamics in details and well-aligned with experimental observations.