摘要:Purpose: Both marketing scholars and brand managers have noted the importance of brand passion. They have increasingly emphasized how brand passion influences consumers’ psychological states and behaviors. In contrast, an almost negligible effort has been made to study whether the individual’s brand passion can be transferred to others. Methods: Using consumer socialization theory and emotional contagion theory as a lens, this study explores whether airline brand passion can be transferred from a parent to a child. To this end, a convenience sample of (N = 202) parent-child dyads was utilized to test the moderated moderated-mediation hypotheses. Results: The results provide evidence that parents’ airline passion can be translated into the child’s airline passion via emotional contagion for daughters who live with their parents but not those who live independently of their parents. Similarly, parents’ airline passion can be transferred to sons regardless of their geographical distance. The implications, limitations, and agendas for future research are discussed in depth.