标题:Electoral Behaviour’s Conditionality of Young People in Communal Elections (The Example from Surveyed University Students in Constantine the Philosopher University)
摘要:The exploration of electoral behaviour’s conditionality of young people is based on the theoretical and empirical exploitation of their approach. Theoretical definitions of the communal politics’ knowledge are needed for their empirical analysis. Theoretical part of the present issue contents definitions of key words. Key words are connected with the communal politics’ area. Specifically, we need to define politics. It is also necessary to specify politics’ role in the contemporary society. This issue focusses on the communal politics. It also specifies the basic aim of the communal politics and it also defines communal politics’ objectives and specifications. At last, there is also described the participation of individuals on communal politics’ formation and development. Generally, the citizens are considered to be actors of the communal politics. Therefore, it is necessary to focus on the conditions of the individuals’ participation on electoral process. Communal politics’ empirical exploration is characterised by the conditionality of the individuals’ participation on electoral process in their residence. In this context, it is important to deal with the impact of individual aspects on the voter decisions of individuals. In the society, there are various groups of people. Young people are one of the significant sociable groups. They gradually incorporate into decision processes. Decision processes affect young people’s existence of daily life. Their decisions are determined by the exposure of general factors of the socialization. Therefore, it is important to explore determinants of the young people’s participation on communal politics. According to this, 180 students on Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra attended the survey Received data were processed Statistical Software SPSS 20 by univariate, bivariate and multivariate data’s analysis.
关键词:communal election ; communal politics ; participation ; university students ; voter decision