摘要:Between 1953 and 1956 the World Health Organization carried out a global survey of the susceptibility of body-lice to insecticides. A second survey was organized in 1958; this paper summarizes the results of susceptibility tests done in 22 countries over the period 1958-63. Resistance to DDT has been found in a number of countries. The LC100 for resistant body-lice has been found to be over 5% DDT, the LC100 for hybrids to be between 1% and 5% DDT; and the LC50 for susceptible genotypes has been estimated to be less than 0.04% DDT. Body-lice continue to be susceptible to gamma-HCH and pyrethrins in most countries, although they show increased tolerance to gamma-HCH in Egypt. Their susceptibility to malathion in various localities in Egypt has been assessed, and the LC50 found to range from 0.02% to 0.032%. Full text Full text is available as a scanned copy of the original print version. Get a printable copy (PDF file) of the complete article (1.4M), or click on a page image below to browse page by page. Links to PubMed are also available for Selected References . 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501