摘要:Nuclear fuel management was done by optimizing fuel loading pattern in a reactor core.
Practically, performing fuel loading pattern optimization was difficult because of its combinatorial problem
complexity which needed to be solved. Therefore, Quantum-inspired Evolutionary Algorithm (QEA) which
could solve the combinatorial problem faster than conventional method was used. The main purpose of this
research was to obtain an optimum fuel loading pattern of KSNP-1000 reactor core without altering fuel
assembly inventories. KSNP-1000 core was modeled in SRAC code package using PIJ module for fuel pins
and fuel assemblies’ lattices and CITATION module for fuel assemblies’ pattern in a quarter core symmetry.
Optimization problem adaptation using QEA was made by presenting 52 fuel assemblies in Q-bit individuals
with the length of 8 Q-bits. Q-bits were converted to corresponding bit values and then given weight which
would be used as consideration to optimize the pattern. The optimization program was coupled with the SRAC
neutronic code to obtain the values of effective multiplication factor (keff) and power peaking factor (PPF).
The optimization was calculated based on fitness value which was a function of keff and PPF values with the
particular weight factor. Using a rotation gate angle of Δθ=0.02π and a weight factor of w=0,041, fuel loading
pattern optimization was done on 360 days burnup level. The optimization resulted in keff and PPF value of
1.11233 and 1.944 respectively. By calculating keff value on various burnup levels for the chosen core loading
pattern, reactor cycle length obtained was 659 days with PPF at BOC was 2.19. Compared to the standard
KSNP-1000 core which had 560 days of cycle length, the optimized core configuration increased 17.67% in
cycle length.
其他摘要:Nuclear fuel management was done by optimizing fuel loading pattern in a reactor core. Practically, performing fuel loading pattern optimization was difficult because of its combinatorial problem complexity which needed to be solved. Therefore, Quantum-inspired Evolutionary Algorithm (QEA) which could solve the combinatorial problem faster than conventional method was used. The main purpose of this research was to obtain an optimum fuel loading pattern of KSNP-1000 reactor core without altering fuel assembly inventories. KSNP-1000 core was modeled in SRAC code package using PIJ module for fuel pins and fuel assemblies’ lattices and CITATION module for fuel assemblies’ pattern in a quarter core symmetry. Optimization problem adaptation using QEA was made by presenting 52 fuel assemblies in Q-bit individuals with the length of 8 Q-bits. Q-bits were converted to corresponding bit values and then given weight which would be used as consideration to optimize the pattern. The optimization program was coupled with the SRAC neutronic code to obtain the values of effective multiplication factor ( keff ) and power peaking factor (PPF). The optimization was calculated based on fitness value which was a function of keff and PPF values with the particular weight factor. Using a rotation gate angle of Δθ=0.02π and a weight factor of w=0,041, fuel loading pattern optimization was done on 360 days burnup level. The optimization resulted in keff and PPF value of 1.11233 and 1.944 respectively. By calculating keff value on various burnup levels for the chosen core loading pattern, reactor cycle length obtained was 659 days with PPF at BOC was 2.19. Compared to the standard KSNP-1000 core which had 560 days of cycle length, the optimized core configuration increased 17.67% in cycle length.