Objectives The aim of this study is to determine the role of impulsivity, sensitivity to reward and also anhedonia in distinction People with symptoms of borderline personality disorder from normal people.
Methods This study uses both the descriptive and correlative method. The sampling method was sampling and targeting type. The samples comprised of students from Tabriz University (2016-2017 academic year), initial 200 candidates for screening and subsequent 80 candidates for target sampling. In the first step of this study, the Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory (MCMI-III) was used for screening followed by Balloon Analogue Risk Task for measuring the impulsivity and resistance variable as sensitivity to reward and the Snaith-Hamilton scale of pleasure is used to measure anhedonia variable.
Results It was illustrated broadly that the impulsivity variable, with 0.61 ratio, has the most important role in the Detection function. The resistance variable towards earning rewards with a 0.47 ratio occupies second place in the Detection function; the anhedonia variable occupied the third place in the Detection function with a ratio of 0.42.
Conclusion Reward deficiency syndrome can be considered as a fundamental pathological symptom of impulsivity and anhedonia in borderline personality disorder BPD. The poor functioning of the brain’s rewards system is a deprivation of sensory mechanisms in people affected with BPD, that led to anhedonia and low arousal and finally impulsivity.