出版社:International Academy of Ecology and Environmental Sciences
摘要:Herbicides are commonly used by farmers to get rid of deleterious weeds. There is a common believe bybeekeepers that herbicides have no harmful impacts on bee colonies. In this study, the effects of towglyphosate herbicides (herbazed and glypho-up) on some parameters of honey bee workers were investigated.Three concentrations of each herbicide were tested. Concerning survival, the highest concentrations ofherbazed and glypho-up showed significant impacts on caged bees than the control group (bees supplied withsugar syrup only) while the low concentrations showed the vice versa. The highest concentration of glypho-upcaused the highest reduction in survival of caged bees. The tested herbicides showed no significant impacts onthe navigation ability of bee workers than the control group. The proboscis extension reflex test was used toevaluate the learning ability of bee workers. The results showed insignificant impacts of the tested herbicideson the learning ability of bee workers than the control group. The survival was low when Nosema infectedbees were exposed to the high concentration of glypho-up unlike Nosema infected bees and healthy ones. Thisstudy has a significant contribution towards understanding the potential impacts of herbicides on honey bees.