摘要:Why would anyone want to publish a contentious, mildly profane (with latentlyjuvenile passages), dated essay from 1981? After completing a year of graduate studyafter actively practicing law and teaching for ten years after law school, my essay wasoriginally “shopped” to the student editors of a few reputable legal journals, all ofwhom advised me to delete the Dream sequence to be considered for publication. Ihad an attitude, other things to do and never followed up. Furthermore I’m not evena “real” academic, but exist at the bottom of the educational food chain as a part timeclinical instructor at a student run legal clinic and practitioner in a two-personneighborhood law office. Wasn’t the world different then? Now we’re not involvedin any foreign, neo-colonist adventures on other continents, nor are we victims of anexpanding National Security State or the human fodder of multinational banks whocreate “value” out of speculative air (remember stagflation?). We don’t have aseverely restricted and under-funded Legal Services Corporation, a Republicancontrolled House and are certainly not in an era of the ascension of a neo-liberalpresident at the service of Goldman Sachs. Oops.