摘要:"Introduction: The major burden of vector-borne disease in India comes from malaria; according to the Directorate of the National Vector Borne Disease Control Programme (NVBDCP), about 95% of the population in the country resides in malaria-endemic areas. Due to such burden of disease, infected individuals have reduced or lost their capacity to work. In India, health services are funded largely through out-of-pocket expenditure. We carried out this study to collect data on the cost of an illness episode of malaria in Surat city. Methodology: It is a cross sectional study carried out in Surat city. Pre tested questionnaire was used for interview. Total 118 patients were interviewed after taking informed consent. Result: For single episode of malaria the mean OOP expenditure was ?1803 among patients treated at govt. set up while it was ? 6768. Indirect cost was 67.99% and 39.84% of total OOP expenditure in patient treated in govt. set up & private set up respectively. Conclusion: Even after free services in government set up patient had to spent amount (1/4th treatment cost of private set up) beyond their expectation. "
关键词:Out of pocket expenditure; malaria; Surat city.