摘要:"Background: Dengue is fast emerging problem which causes significant mortality & morbidity in children. Objective: This study was conducted to study the clinical features of dengue in pediatric cases from tertiary care hospital. Methodology: Cross-sectional study based on record of all the diagnosed cases during 2008-2012 from a tertiary hospital. Results: Out of 100 patients, male were 72(72%) and females 28(28%). The commonest presentations were fever 93(93%), pain in abdomen 43(43%), vomiting 37(37%) and bodyache 15(15%). Among these 64(64%) patients were diagnosed as dengue fever & 33(33%) dengue hemorrhagic fever. Common complications were pleural effusion (41%) and ascitis (42%). Range of hospital stay was 3-13 days with 59(59%) patients were admitted for 6-10 days. Conclusion: DF was common in children <5yrs while DHF seen in older children. Early diagnosis and proper treatment is needed to reduce the morbidity. "