This study was designed to trace the deconstruction of authoritative officialized history in fiction through Postmodern Historigraphic Metafiction. Historiographic Metafiction dismantles the metanarrative of official history and raises the voice of silenced subaltern thus generates mininarratives. The study is thus grounded in Postmodern Historiographic Metafictional theory of Linda Hutcheon for investigation of the “subversive strategies” of officialized history and deconstruction of positively accentuated binary of “us” and negatively accentuated binary of “them” in the backdrop of postcolonial literary text Nervous Conditions. Norman Fairclough’s model of Critical Discourse Analysis is taken up as a research method for the analysis of fictionalized historical work under study. Finally, text is analyzed leading to the conclusion of the study. The study shows that fiction unveils the official overriding history and provides new perspectives of untold historical events.