This research is a quasi-experimental study with pretest-posttest-fallow up test and experiment-control group to investigate the influence of Choice Theory-based Anger Management Psychoeducation Program (CTAMP) on the ability of students of Department of Psychological Counseling and Guidance (PCG) for anger management. The Trait Anger-Anger Style Scale was used for the dependent variable. 40 students were identified as eligible to participate in the study based on the scores from subscales of STAS. Then a total of 18 volunteer students (14 females and 5 males) were identified that had time to participate in activities. The control group included 19 students (14 females, 5 males). The CTAMP was administrated to the experimental group for twelve weeks, and no procedures were performed for the control group. Then, reminder sessions were held for 3 more weeks for the control group and the final follow-up measurement was taken. The data was analyzed by SPSS 18 packet program. The t-test was performed to find the differences between the follow up pretest–follow up posttest scores in the experimental and control groups, and ANOVA was carried out to find the within-group differences for repeated measurements. At the end of CTAMP that lasted 12 weeks, it is observed that the trait anger-anger, anger-in and anger-out scores for the experimental group were reduced from the pretest to posttest, but the anger control scores were increased. At the end of follow-up sessions, the variance in the scores was similar.