摘要:The concept of Islamic entrepreneurshipcenters on ensuring community well-beingas the priority, which is one of the importantobjectives (Maqasid) of the Islamic Shari’ah.Historically, waqf played a significant role inthe Islamic economic system, particularly inrendering exemplary welfare services in theareas of healthcare, education, social welfare,environmental, and other community-basedprograms. However, only a few success storiesin recent history have institutionally utilized theproperties of waqf under proper managementto achieve its substantial objectives. This studyuses the literature review as basis to analyzethe reasons behind the successful utilizationof waqf as an effective tool to ensure socialwelfare services in the past, as well as how thismodel can be replicated by considering currentcontexts. This study will assist Islamic valuecentricentrepreneurs, regulatory authorities,investors, and researchers to gain an overallinsight into the potentials of waqf as a tool forrendering commendable social welfare services.
关键词:waqf; Islamic entrepreneurship;social entrepreneurship; social welfare; thirdsector;economy.