摘要:This report from the Australian Rotavirus Surveillance Program (ARSP) and collaborating laboratoriesAustralia-wide, describes the rotavirus genotypes identified in children and adults with acutegastroenteritis during the period 1 January to 31 December 2016. During this period, 949 faecal specimenswere referred for rotavirus G and P genotype analysis, of which 230 were confirmed as positivefor wildtype rotavirus, and 184 were identified as rotavirus vaccine-like. Genotype analysis of the230 samples from both children and adults revealed that G2P[4] was the dominant genotype in thisreporting period nationally, identified in 29% of samples, followed by equine-like G3P[8] and G12P[8](19% and 15% respectively). Genotype distribution remained distinct between States using RotaTeq®and Rotarix® vaccines. In RotaTeq® States, G12P[8] strains were more common, while G2P[4] andequine-like G3P[8] genotypes were more common in Rotarix® States and Territories. This report highlightsthe continued dominance of G12P[8] strains in RotaTeq® States and co-dominance of G2P[4]and equine-like G3P[8] in States and Territories using Rotarix®.