出版社:Thai Society of Higher Eduction Institutes on Environment
摘要:The trend of using mobile devices amongst the elderly population is continuously increasing.Therefore, the aims of this study were to study the usage status of communication devices andapplications amongst the elderly population and to determine factors associated with health effectsrelated to mobile communication device usage among the elderly people in Thailand. Adescriptive cross-sectional descriptive study was conducted in four main regions of Thailand. Fourhundred and forty-eight elderly people who regularly use smartphone or tablet computers participatedin the study. Face-to-face interviews were carried out and data was recorded in a preparedquestionnaire. Participants whose age averaged 65.11 ±5.26 years old participated in this study.The average time spent on using devices was 2.70 hours/day. The positive health effects of usingsmartphone or tablet devices were reported to be as follows: an increased sense of self-valueand confidence (90.6%) and an increased feeling of intimacy towards others (82.6%). Thenegative health effects were dim eyes (52.7%), shoulder or neck pain or muscle soreness (52.5%),an increase in social networking activity with strangers (39.5%), and changes in interactionwith those around them (32.6%). Moreover, the results showed that the time spent on mobile phones, the type of application used, the time of usage, and rest breaks between using devices were significantly associated with negative health effects (p<0.05). The findings show that Thai elderly people have been confronted by several health effects regarding mobile communication device and application usage. Consequently, practical intervention to reduce those negative health effects should be considered by providing knowledge about using mobile communication devices in proper ways.
关键词:Health effects; Mobile communication devices; Senior citizens