出版社:Thai Society of Higher Eduction Institutes on Environment
摘要:Hospital settings potentially contain many indoor air pollutants, which will affect the healthcareof workers and patients. A cross sectional study was conducted to determine the indoor airquality in a medical school situated in the Northeast Coast of Malaysia. The hospital consistsof eight floors and 33 wards. Eleven wards were randomly selected. A walk through survey wasconducted prior to indoor air sampling. Results showed the mean temperature in seven wardsabove 26.0 oC; only one ward with acceptable mean relative humidity (67.5%), and the illuminationwas below 300 lux in all wards. The mean carbon dioxide level in two wards was 920.4±48.32and 911.5±48.83 ppm respectively, approaching the standard ceiling limit. All wards showedacceptable level for carbon monoxide, particulate matter less than or equal to 10 micrometers,and total fungal counts. Two wards showed borderline total bacteria counts, 500 cfu/m3. Theunacceptable level of a few indoor parameters in the hospital needs further attention. Regularindoor air monitoring in the hospital and medical surveillance among healthcare workers arerequired in order to improve the indoor air quality and prevent related health effects.
关键词:Indoor air quality; Medical school air pollutants; Bacteria counts; Fungal counts