期刊名称:GI_FORUM - Journal for Geographic Information Science
出版社:ÖAW Verlag, Wien
摘要:Today’s world is overwhelmed with statistics. Virtually, every economic and scientificactivity relies to it. And with the modern technology it’s easy to visualize these statistics infigures, graphs, charts and maps – making analyses of information even easier.But in education the use of statistics is statistics is taught as part of mathematics oftenwithout context or meaning, or is used merely to show a result instead of doing real analysisand investigation. Research suggests that, while teachers are willing to use statistics, theyfeel their students experience greater difficulties in statistics than in other topics, and theyconsider themselves not well prepared to help their students face these difficulties. The aimof the I-Use project is to create an in-service teacher training course that will deal with howto make sense of information through different presentation forms and media.