期刊名称:GI_FORUM - Journal for Geographic Information Science
出版社:ÖAW Verlag, Wien
摘要:The main aim of this study is to find the best spatialization method to describe spatialdifferentiation of climatic water balance (CWB) in Poland. Monthly mean values of airtemperature and precipitation totals from 60 synoptic stations as well as monthly totals ofsolar radiation (23 measuring points) were taken into consideration. Source materialcovered period 1985-2006. Regarding the prior research as well as data availability thepotential evapotranspiration data was calculated by Turc formula.CWB modelling was conducted with two methods simultaneously: simple and multiplelinear regression (with latitude, altitude and distance from the coast line as variables), andmap algebra. Validation proved the map algebra to be the better of the two spatializationmethods. Nevertheless the obtained results proved also that except for the method localfactors are of the great importance in CWB modelling especially in the mountains and atthe coast. To optimize the method it is necessary to reduce the research scale using more insitudata that would enable inclusion of more local variables such as land form and landcover into the analyses.