摘要:The present study was performed to analyze the microbial (total viable bacteria, total coliforms and total fungal) quality and chemical quality (pH, total soluble solids, acidity, ash content and vitamin C) of industrially processed mango (Mangifera indica) juices. Three bottled (Brand-1, Brand-2 and Brand-3) and two tetra packed (Brand-4, and Brand-5) juice samples were collected from three different locations namely Tangail bus stand (Point-1), Super shop market (Point-2) and Porabari bazar (Point-3) under the Tangail Sadar Upazilla, Bangladesh. Total viable bacteria were high in all brands of juice and values ranged from 1.3×105-1.2×108 cfu/ml. The mean values of total bacteria count were ranged from 4.63×105-5.6×107 cfu/ml. Total coliforms bacteria were ranged from 0-2×104cfu/ml with a range of mean value 0-7.7×103 cfu/ml in different brands. The mean value of total fungal found ranging from 8.2×105-1.12 to 1.6×107 cfu/ml. The pH was acidic and mean value ranged from 3.7-4.06. Study found that total soluble solids was ranged from 12%-13%. The concentration of acidity ranged between 0.16-0.39%.Very low amount of ash content (0.04-0.07%) indicated that mineral content was low. Concentration of vitamin C was also low and the mean value was ranged from 0.05-0.18 mg/100ml. The current study reveals that industrially processed mango juices are not conforming with microbiological as well as chemical specifications and thus conferred that industrially processed juices may not be safe for consumption. The manufacturing companies should develop the quality by maintaining hygiene and use the good quality ingredients in preparing different types of juices.