摘要:Remediation of lead and zinc polluted soil using Arachis hypogaea and Glycinemax. L was investigated in this study. Lead and zinc were added into soil as Pb(NO3)2 and (ZnSO4). Five viable seeds were planted in 30 bowls containing 5kg of soil. The concentrations of lead used were 50 mg and 250 mg while 300mg and 700mg of zinc was used. The presence of lead and zinc in A. hypogaea and G. max. L seeds was determined using AASafter 0, 4, 8 and 12 weeks, 27.47 mg and 201.49 mg of lead were obtained in A. hypogaea at week 4 when 50 mg and 250 mg of leadwas treated with the soil. At week 8, A. hypogaea had lead concentration of 201.02 mg when soil was treated with 250 mg of lead. The highest concentration of zinc (402.42 mg) was recorded in A. hypogaea when soil was treated with 700 mg of zinc and lowest concentration (141.25 mg) was obtained at week 8. The leaf of A. hypogaea had least concentration (0.15 mg) of lead out of all the treatments. The highest concentration of zinc (4.05 mg) was found in leaf of G. max L when the soil was treated with 700 mg of zinc while the least concentration (1.10 mg) was found in seeds when the soil was treated with 300 mg. The results of this study revealed that A. hypogaea and G. max. L were able to uptake various concentrations of lead and zinc.
关键词:Arachis hypogaea; Glycine max. L; remediation; biosorption; zinc; lead