摘要:The aim of the present study was to assesse the content of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) in different types of meat products obtained by traditional method, in order to identify sources of contaminated PAH from meat products. The analysed meat products were purchased from specialized stores. The analysed products have had different composition and structure: sausages, salami, neck, muscle, ribs. The thermal treatment applied was different depending on the assortment, either by hot smoking or cold smoking or pasteurization. These were obtained either by cold smoking or hot smoking or pasteurisation. Romanian meat products obtained through traditional methods do not contain chemical additives and are processed by cold smoking. Minimal heat treatment, such as cold smoking, presents the lowest risks with regard to the accumulation of Aromatic Polycyclic Hydrocarbons. The method used for PAHs determination was gas chromatography - mass spectrometry (GC-MS). Fourteen PAHs were determined. The benzo[a]piren (BaP) values were lower than the maximum 2μg/kg, in home made sausages (0,1 μg/kg), spices sausages (1.2 μg/kg), summer salami (1,8 μg/kg), and smoked neck, home made smoked pork sausages and pork pastrami showed the highest level 3.9 μg/kg, 3.4 μg/kg respectively 3.0 μg/kg.
关键词:polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons; meat products; gas chromatography - mass spectrometry