摘要:It is well known that while addition and multiplication over the integers is well-defined operations,division is not such an operation on the integers simply because a result of division between two integersmay not be an integer. Even though a fully homomorphic encryption that allows addition and multiplicationover encrypted data is given, one cannot have a well-defined division on encrypted data for the samereason. In this work, we deal with the problem of division over encrypted data where a client encrypts andstores at a remote cloud and then the cloud server enables to divide two encrypted integers. Specifically,division over the integers is classified into integer division and rational division. This work is mainlyinterested in rational division over encrypted integers. To this end, we design an efficient algorithm totakes as input two encrypted integers and outputs an approximate value by dividing the encrypted integersreling on Newton-Raphson approximation. Here the approximate result is also an encryption and thus onlythe client can decrypt and get the result.