摘要:In June 2017, Germany took legislative measures to comply with the Directive on security of networkand information systems(NIS Directive). As a result, the role of Federal Office for InformationSecurity(Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik, BSI), which is responsible for cybersecuritypractically in Germany, is expanded and the german cybersecurity system has a lot of changes. In thispaper, it is discussed that what roles are added and what meanings are deduced from the changes to findimplications for the improvement of cybersecurity governance and legal system in Korea. The roleexpansion of BSI makes the increase in international cooperation for cybersecurity and the improvement ofconditions of cybersecurity agencies’ activity, and those are implications for cybersecurity development inKorea.
关键词:: Act on the Federal Office for Information Security(Gesetz über das Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der;Informationstechnik; BSIG); Directive on security of network and information systems(NIS Directive);Cybersecurity in Germany; Cybersecurity in European Union(EU); Cybersecurity Governance