摘要:This research aimed at describing the effectiveness of the local culture-based 7Elearning cycle model in improving students’ critical thinking skills in chemistrylearning. It was an experimental research with post-test only control group design.The population was the eleventh-grade students of senior high schools inSingaraja, Indonesia. The sample included 111 students; 57 students as theexperimental group and 54 students as the control group. The students in theexperimental group learned through the local culture-based 7E learning cyclemodel, whereas the ones in the control group learned through the discoverylearning model. The data on the students’ critical thinking skills were collectedthrough the critical thinking skills test. The data were analyzed through descriptiveand inferential analysis, namely: Independent Sample T-Test for normal andhomogeneous data, but Mann-Whitney U-Test for not normal and/or nothomogeneous data. The results showed that the average score of students’ criticalthinking skills on the experimental and control groups were 64,5 and 55,3respectively. The average score of the students’ critical thinking skills on theexperimental and control groups in the high-level school were 70.0 and 58.4,respectively, but in low-level school, they were 58.7 and 50.8 respectively.
关键词:critical thinking skills; 7E learning cycle; local culture; discovery learning;senior high school