摘要:In this article, we discuss the ripple effects of the WEBSIM FISHBANKSSimulation Laboratory held at Federal University of Sao Paulo (UNIFESP) in2014, held as a result of a partnership between the Sloan School of Management ofthe Massachusetts Institute of Technology, the UNIFESP, and the BrazilianChapter of the System Dynamics Society of Brazil (BCSDS). The simulation labinvolved 100 people from 36 organizations. The aim of our research is to revealthe impacts of the laboratory two and a half years after it took place. We followeda mixed method approach, collecting data from questionnaires and documents. Themain findings are as follows: 1) the laboratory helped spread the use ofFISHBANKS software in Brazilian universities and consultancy firms; 2) thelaboratory promoted systems thinking and environmental awareness, leading someof the participants to replace non-sustainable actions for more sustainable ones; 3)the laboratory fostered interest in the MIT LearningEdge initiative; and 4) thelaboratory contributed to a rise in the motivation of the members of the BCSDS,which in turn led to the creation of symposia and other activities.
关键词:systems thinking; environmental awareness; simulation laboratory; ripple;effects; educational game