摘要:The present study explored English as a foreign language (EFL) students’motivation and self-efficacy. This is accomplished by incorporating the ten subfactorsof L2 motivational self-system namely; criterion measures, ideal L2 self,ought-to L2 self, family influence, instrumentality promotion, instrumentalityprevention, attitudes towards learning English, attitudes towards L2 community,cultural interest, and integrativeness. The Persian version of L2 Motivational SelfsystemQuestionnaire and the English version of Learners’ Self- Efficacy Surveywere used to collect the data. The results estimated via correlation and regressionanalyses revealed that there was a significant relationship between L2 motivationand L2 self-efficacy. In other words, all the ten sub-factors predicted L2 selfefficacypositively and significantly among which criterion measures, attitudestowards learning English, instrumentality promotion, and ideal L2 self were themost powerful predictors of L2 self-efficacy.