摘要:The study explored in-service teachers’ efficacy beliefs in pupil engagement. Thesample size was 299 kindergarten teachers selected from both public and privatekindergarten schools in the Kumasi metropolis of Ghana. The study adopted andused pupil engagement subscale of the Ohio State Teacher Efficacy Scale (OSTES)developed by Tschannen-Moran and Woolf Hoy (2001) as survey instrument.Results of the study revealed that kindergarten teachers in the Kumasi metropolisof Ghana have high efficacy beliefs in pupils’ engagement. No statisticallysignificant difference was found in the efficacy beliefs in pupil engagement oftrained and untrained kindergarten teachers. The results also show that efficacybeliefs in pupil engagement among public and private kindergarten school teachersdid not differ significantly. It is argued that the training background of the teachers(i.e. whether they were trained or untrained) and their institutional placement (i.e.whether they taught in a public or private school) are not essential influentialfactors in teachers’ efficacy beliefs in pupil engagement. Implications of thefindings for research and practice are discussed.