摘要:This research aimed at determining the level of performance of state senior highschool (Sekolah Menengah Atas Negeri abbreviated as SMAN) teachers aged 56years and older. The research population was all SMAN teachers aged 56 yearsand older in Banda Aceh Municipality, Districts of Aceh Besar, Pidie and PidieJaya. Performance assessment instruments developed were tested for constructvalidity by factor analysis techniques, and reliability estimated by using CronbachAlpha formula. The levels of teacher performance are grouped in five categoriesas: very high, high, medium, low and very low. The results show that the fivecomponents of the SMAN teachers’ performance aged 56 years and older were at“very high” category, namely: learning strategies, mastery of materials, classroommanagement, communication between teachers and students, and teachingtechniques. Another performance component, assessment of students learningoutcomes was at “medium” category. So, it was found that the performance ofSMAN teachers aged 56 years and above was very high.
关键词:assessment; teacher; validity; reliability; performance assessment; high;school; performance of teachers