期刊名称:InterfacEHS: Journal of Health, Environment and Sustainability
出版社:Senac – Serviço Nacional de Aprendizagem Comercial
摘要:When considering that human food causes impacts on the environment such as: soil degradation; use of natural resources; loss of biodiversity; pollution of air, water and soil; among others, it’ s necessary to identify these impacts for future propositions of minimizing solutions. The Study search to portray the environmental "footprint" of São Paulo's food, through the individual analysis of each component of the dish, common in the routine of São Paulo City. The Project contemplates from the preparation of the land for the plowing and harvest, taking into account the inputs of materials (organic, pesticides, water, etc.), and the outputs (soil degradation, pollution of the sheets, gases emitted, etc.); passing by each link in the chain of events, until arriving at the plate that will be consumed by the popular of São Paulo. In this study, the environmental impacts of the crop, the choice of models, the choice of food and the reject of the food were analyzed. For this, SimaPro software was used, a tool that allows the analysis and environmental monitoring of products, services and processes within the perspective of Life Cycle Assessment.
关键词:Life Cycle Assessment; São Paulo's food; environmental impacts.