期刊名称:Documents de Travail du Centre d'Economie de la Sorbonne
出版社:Centre d'Economie de la Sorbonne
摘要:We consider MultiCriteria Decision Analysis models which are definedover discrete attributes, taking a finite number of values. We do not assumethat the model is monotonically increasing with respect to the attributes values.Our aim is to define an importance index for such general models, encompassingGeneralized-Additive Independence models as particular cases. They can be seenas being equivalent to k-ary games (multichoice games). We show that classicalsolutions like the Shapley value are not suitable for such models, essentiallybecause of the efficiency axiom which does not make sense in this context. Wepropose an importance index which is a kind of average variation of the modelalong the attributes. We give an axiomatic characterization of it.
关键词:MultiCriteria Decision Analysis k-ary game Shapley value