出版社:Academy & Industry Research Collaboration Center (AIRCC)
摘要:Imaging and Image sensors is a field that is continuously evolving. There are new productscoming into the market every day. Some of these have very severe Size, Weight and Powerconstraints whereas other devices have to handle very high computational loads. Some requireboth these conditions to be met simultaneously. Current imaging architectures and digital imageprocessing solutions will not be able to meet these ever increasing demands. There is a need todevelop novel imaging architectures and image processing solutions to address theserequirements. In this work we propose analog signal processing as a solution to this problem.The analog processor is not suggested as a replacement to a digital processor but it will be usedas an augmentation device which works in parallel with the digital processor, making thesystem faster and more efficient. In order to show the merits of analog processing the highlycomputational Normalized Cross Correlation algorithm is implemented. We propose two novelmodifications to the algorithm and a new imaging architecture which, significantly reduces thecomputation time.