标题:Solution of Unsteady Rolling Motion of Spheres Equation in Inclined Tubes Filled with Incompressible Newtonian Fluids by Differential Transformation Method
出版社:Academy & Industry Research Collaboration Center (AIRCC)
摘要:In this paper, the unsteady motion of a spherical particle rolling down an inclined tube in aNewtonian fluid for a range of Reynolds numbers was solved using a simulation method calledthe Differential Transformation Method (DTM). The concept of differential transformation isbriefly introduced, and then we employed it to derive solution of nonlinear equation. Theobtained results for displacement, velocity and acceleration of the motion from DTM arecompared with those from numerical solution to verify the accuracy of the proposed method.The effects of particle diameter (size), continues phase viscosity and inclination angles wasstudied. As an important result it was found that the inclination angle does not affect theacceleration duration. The results reveal that the Differential Transformation Method canachieve suitable results in predicting the solution of such problems.