出版社:Academy & Industry Research Collaboration Center (AIRCC)
摘要:Functional encryption (FE) has more fine-grained control to encrypted data than traditionalencryption schemes. The well-accepted security of FE is indistinguishability-based security(IND-FE) and simulation-based security (SIMFE), but the security is not sufficient. Forexample, if an adversary has the ability to access a vector of ciphertexts and can ask to opensome information of the messages, such as coins used in the encryption or secret key in multikeysetting, whether the privacy of the unopened messages is guaranteed. This is called selectiveopening attack (SOA).In this paper, we propose a stronger security of FE which is secure against SOA (we call SOFE)and propose a concrete construction of SO-FE scheme in the standard model. Our schemeis a non-adaptive IND-FE which satisfies selective opening secure in the simulation sense. Inaddition, the scheme can encrypt messages of any bit length other than bitwise and it is secureagainst SOA-C and SOAK simultaneously while the two attacks were appeared in differentmodel before. According to the different functionality f, our scheme can specialize as IBE, ABEand even PE schemes secure against SOA.