出版社:Academy & Industry Research Collaboration Center (AIRCC)
摘要:Many real-life applications need to handle and manage time pieces of information. Allentemporal relations are one of the most used and known formalisms for modelling and handlingtemporal data. This paper discusses a novel idea to introduce some kind of flexibility in definingsuch relations between two fuzzy time intervals. The key concept of this approach is a fuzzytolerance relation conveniently modelled. Tolerant Allen temporal relations are then definedusing the dilated and the eroded intervals of the initial fuzzy time intervals. By leveraging someparticular fuzzy indices to compare two fuzzy time intervals, this extension of Allen relations isintegrated in the Fuzz-TIME system developed in our previous works.
关键词:Temporal Relations; Fuzzy Time Intervals; Tolerance Relation; Dilation; Erosion; Temporal;Databases.