期刊名称:International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology
出版社:S&S Publications
摘要:This work investigated the influence of Molybdenum disulfide (MoS2) on the wear and mechanicalproperties of Aluminium alloy 6061. The investigation reveals the effectiveness of incorporation of Molybdenumdisulfide in the composite for gaining wear reduction. The Al 6061 (aluminium alloy 6061) reinforced with MoS2 wasinvestigated. MoS2 was used in powder form and mixed with Al 6061. The composites were fabricated using StirCasting method.The solid lubricating material was incorporated into aluminium alloy matrix to accomplish areductionin wear volume and increase in wear resistance. The Al 6061 composites were prepared with 5,10 and 15 wt.% ofMoS2. The composition test, tensile test, Hardness Test, Pin on Disc wear test were performed to check wear andmechanical properties of composites with MoS2.The Investigation revealed that the tensile strength and wear resistanceof Al 6061/MoS2 composite increases at 5wt.% of MoS2 and then decline with afurther increase in thepercentage oflubricant MoS2such as 10 or 15 wt.%. The hardness of composites decreases with the increase in the wt.% of MoS2.