期刊名称:International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology
出版社:S&S Publications
摘要:Sexual Harassment is a topic of interest and an area of concern to the present era. The sexual harassmentresults in violation of the basic fundamental rights of women especially right to equality under article 14 & 15 of theIndian constitution and her right to life and to live with dignity under article 21 of the constitution. The present studyprovides an intensive background of sexual harassment of women in India. The origin of the sexual harassment has beentaken from Bhanwari Devi case and an account of Vishaka and Ors. v/s Union of India 1997 judgment is also mentionedin the current study. The current research paper tries to highlight the causes that tend to spontaneous increase in sexualharassment cases from different time perspectives. One of the prominent causes which are highlighted in the presentresearch paper include the male dominated organizational setup i.e. much of the harassment which women face at theworkplace isn’t “sexual” in content or design but the motive behind this is to show the domination of male folk, inferiorjob position where women usually wield less hierarchical power in an organizations and men have more sexualharassment serves as one method of the powerful asserting control over the powerless, misperceptions about the friendlynature of a women in an organization by men colleagues and who began to harass those women who are quite friendly innature and women with higher academic profile and lesser job opportunity when they began their journey to find a job inan organization may it be an educational institute or other private or government sector they are harassed and advancedby sexual favours by the person in charges and for that they are assured to be offered a job and consequently all thesecauses leads to sexual harassment of women. Sexual harassment has shown a steady increase from last decade to thepresent scenario with 29.20% cases registered in the year 2015 and which resulted in violation of basic immunities ofwomen at workplace. The data for the present study was elicited from both primary and secondary sources, analysis weredone by using particular research method and tool. The results from this research however indicate that in India sexualharassment is still prevalent in the workplace despite attempts to eradicate it. Finally the current study recommends thatthe need of hour is to take a close look over the issue and provide the preventive measures that could better assess thesituation.
关键词:Causes; Genesis; Sexual Harassment; Women; Work place.