期刊名称:International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology
出版社:S&S Publications
摘要:This paper presents the design and the development of an interactive, futuristic Smart Mirror withartificial intelligence for the ambient home environment as well as for commercial uses in work and publicenvironments. The project collects real world machine data based on user requirements, and this data is displayed to theuser. The entire working of the Smart Mirror system is controlled and managed by a Raspberry Pi. The Smart Mirrorimplemented, is a personalised digital device equipped with peripherals, namely - a microphone, speakers, an LCDmonitor covered with a sheet of two-way acrylic mirror, and is powered by a Raspberry Pi. It provides basic commonfunctionalities such as weather of the city, latest updates of news and headlines, and local time corresponding to thelocation. Using speech processing techniques the user, therefore, interacts with the Smart Mirror through verbalcommands. A Remote Configuration Tool (RCT) is also created to help the user with the working of the Smart Mirrorwhen the user’s voice commands result in false positives and true negatives. The Smart Mirror listens to the user’scommands and performs the corresponding functions.
关键词:Smart Mirror; Raspberry Pi; Internet of Things; Ambient Artificial Intelligence; Web Programming;Home Automation