期刊名称:International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology
出版社:S&S Publications
摘要:Utility mining is a rising research domain in the data mining. High utility itemsets (HUIs) miningrefers to discovering all itemsets having a utility meeting a user-specified minimum utility threshold min_util. Setting aappropriate value for min_util is a difficult problem for users. Also, finding an appropriate minimum utility thresholdvalue is a tedious process for users. If min_util is set too low, too many HUIs will be generated, which may cause themining process to be very inefficient. On the other hand, if min_util is set too high, it is likely that no HUIs will befound. To address this limitation an algorithm TKSA is proposed for mining top k-HUIs in a single phase withoutcandidate generation. Also another algorithm ACE is proposed for mining HUIs which is completely based onCustomer frequency.
关键词:Utility Mining; High Utility Itemset; Frequent Itemset Mining; Top –k pattern Mining.