期刊名称:Proceedings of the European Society for Aesthetics
出版社:European Society for Aesthetics
摘要:Most philosophies of poetry attempt to define what poetry is,either as a genre or subgenre of literature or as a specific use of languagewhose characteristics are different from ordinary language. The problem ofsuch essentialist approaches is that poetry, like art in general, seems to defydefinition and to always offer counterexamples to the philosopher’sdefinition. In this paper, I therefore shift my attention from attempting todefine poetry or its characteristics to understanding what we can learn fromits difference from ordinary speech. The etymology of poetry, poiesis, bringsto the fore the idea that poetry involves a making or a creating. Followingideas from Nietzsche and Wittgenstein, I understand poetry as involving whatI call a perspectival poetics. At the heart of this poetics is the task of creatingperspectives which reveal new viewpoints on the world. To elaborate thisnotion, I focus especially on Wittgenstein’s idea of ‘seeing-as’, which can berelevant to poetry by transposing it into ‘reading as’, and on Nietzsche’sperspectivism which brings the idea of creation of perspectives to the fore.