摘要:A standard color gamut can be obtained with CMYK samples that areprinted with an offset printing system according to the ISO 12647-2:2013. Itis possible to enhance or widen the color gamut during the printing processby interfering with the density and dot gain characteristics. Printing with awider color gamut provides a more vivid area and more depth in color.In this study, print trials were conducted at first with standard values(density, dot gain and such). Then another trial was conducted bychanging the density values respectively during the trial. Ink densityvalues for all colors were decreased from the standard value as -0.15D,-0.30D and then increased as +0.15D, +0.30D. Color gamuts of thetrials were calculated and compared at the end. It is found that inkdensity values directly affect color gamut in offset printing. It is alsofound that the color gamut decreases equally when ink density valuesdecrease and vice versa. However, some printing problems occurredwith high density values even though it gave an expanded color.
关键词:offset printing; dot gain; solid density; color gamut