摘要:The purpose of studying this information is to examine the beliefs of gender and romantic relationship as a predictor ofromantic immediacy in emerging adulthood. For this purpose, a relational scan model is used. Inonu University is the universe of theresearch. In the survey, the sample was chosen so that all the observation units in the world could reach to a satisfactory return byselecting them. For this purpose, data were collected by sampling easily from the sampling methods which are not probable. In thestudy, there were 188 women and 51 men, 238 emerging adults, aged between 19-26 years. In this study, the Romantic AffinityLauncher's Determinants Scale and the Romantic Beliefs Scale were used. Relations between romantic intimaciy start and gender andbeliefs of romantic relationship were examined by multiple regression analysis technique. According to the results of the research,gender and romantic relationship beliefs are significant predictors of romantic intimacy start. There is a positive positive relationshipbetween gender and romantic relationship beliefs and romantic intimacy start. In terms of the other predictors, beliefs of romanticrelations; it is seen that the realistic or non-realistic beliefs that the individual has about a romantic relationship are one of the importantfactors affecting the desire to initiate a relationship and the process of initiating the relationship.