标题:Significance of Biopersistence in Relation to Pathogenic Effects in Humans: Role of Biopersistence in the Pathogenicity of Man-made Fibers and Methods for Evaluating Biopersistence: A Summary of Two Round-table Discussions
摘要:This paper summarizes two roundtable discussions held at the conclusion of the International Conference on Biopersistence of Respirable Synthetic Fibres and Minerals. The first round table addressed the role of biopersistence in the pathogenicity of fiber-induced disease. The panel included T. W. Hesterberg (Chairman), J.M.G. Davis, K. Donaldson, B. Fubini, N.F. Johnson, G. Oberdoerster, P. Sébastien, and D. Warheit. The second panel addressed the issue of methods for assessing biopersistence. It included R.O. McClellan (Chairman), J. Brain, A. Langer, A. Morgan, C. Morscheidt, H. Muhle, and R. Musselman. The two chairmen acknowledge the excellent contributions of all the members of the panels, whose comments formed the basis of this summary. Nonetheless, the authors assume full responsibility for the written text, recognizing that it was not reviewed by the discussants of the two panels.—Environ Health Perspect 102(Suppl 5):277–283 (1994) Full text Full text is available as a scanned copy of the original print version. Get a printable copy (PDF file) of the complete article (1.2M), or click on a page image below to browse page by page. Links to PubMed are also available for Selected References . 277 278 279 280 281 282 283