出版社:Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman
摘要:The paper studies present-day processes of transnationalization of world market of intellectual property items (IPI) in complex; it determines their mechanisms and evaluates impact on parameters of innovative and technological safety of countries and regions. Role of transnational corporations in the international technology exchange is revealed, and their competitive positions at the world IPI market are analyzed. Global character of monopolization of intellectual property market is justified, as well as key directions of upgrade of technology policy of transnational structures in terms of enhancement of their innovative leadership. Significant amount of attention is paid to analysis of operations of cross-border strategic alliances as one of institutional forms of build-up of corporate patent portfolios and enhancement of competitive positions of transnational corporations at the world intellectual property market. It is proved that in order to maintain steady competitive advantages at the IPI global market the majority of transnational corporations actively monitors emergence of new technology just at the initial stage of fundamental research, thus deepening the interstate innovative and technological gap even under the technoglobalism.