摘要:It is my pleasure and privilege to be a guest Editor for UTMS Journal of Economics Vol. 6 No. 1. I want to thank the Editor in Chief and the entire Editorial Board for support and trust. Papers that were selected are from the various fields of economics considering that this is multidisciplinary scientific journal with an active interest in economic issues. Papers in this journal deal with subjects like: growth models, climate changes, taxes, socio-economic status of workers, macroeconomic forecasting, tourism management and development, sport management, public shares, employee performance, business models, dividend discount models, technology development and risk management. I want to thank the authors for their contribution in high quality papers. I would also like to thank the reviewers in reviewing 24 selected papers, and their recommendations for publishing 15 papers, which I, as Guest Editor, have accepted for publishing in this number of UTMS Journal of Economics. I am confident to say that these papers are expanding the frontiers of economic science and that they will serve as the research starting point for many generations to come.