摘要:Background: We analyzed the Y-chromosome haplogroups of six documented Arab subpopulations that accommodated separately in different counties of Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari Province but nowadays speak Indo-European language (Luri and Farsi). Methods: This was an outcome study conducted in 2015 to test whether there was any genetic relatedness among some Indo-European-speaking Arab subpopulation accommodated in a geographically similar region, Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari Province, Iran. Seven main Y-chromosome bi-allelic markers were genotyped in six documented Arab subpopulations. Therefore, after DNA extraction from blood samples, PCR reaction carried out by designed primers for J1-M267, J2-M172, and J-M304, I-M170, IJ-M429, F-M89 and K-M9 markers. Then PCR products after quality control on agarose gel were sequenced. Results: Most subjects (83.3%) belonged to F-M89 haplogroup. These subjects belonged to K-M9 (40%), J2-M172 (40%) and I-M170 (20%). Generally, there were at least three genetically distinct ancestors with a divergence date of about 22200 yr for I, 429000 for J and 47400 before present for K haplogroup and may show separate historical migrations of studied populations. As the most recent common ancestor (MRCA) of most of these populations, haplogroup F, lived about 40000–50000 yr ago, the data do not support a nearly close genetic relationship among all of these populations. However, there were populations with same haplogroups J2 (n=2), K (n=2), or with a closer MRCA, IJ haplogroups, among I and J2 haplogroups. Finding haplogroup I, a specific European haplogroup, among Arab populations was not expected. Conclusion: Identification of various haplogroups in Arab subpopulations despite its small area and geographically conserved region of this part of Iranian plateau was unexpected.