摘要:Background: Visfatin is a new adipocytokine which is largely secreted by visceral adipose tissue and its effects in the development of diabetes and inflammatory reactions are similar to insulin. It acts synergistically with insulin in increasing glucose cellular uptake, stimulating glucose transfer to the muscle and adipose tissue, as well as in preventing hepatic glucose production. Its insulin-like effects are mediated through direct connection and activation of insulin receptors without any change or competition with the insulin. Methods: This case-control study was conducted among 64 women consisting of 32 diabetic patients, and 32 age-matched healthy controls. The case group consisted of 32 post-menopausal diabetic women, aged 45-65 years. Those patients were eligible who had a history of at least five years of type II diabetes, without any complications of diabetes, and who were treated only by oral glucose-lowering medications. Those individuals with C-reactive protein (CRP) test of 3+ and above were excluded from the study. Results were compared with age- and sex- matched controls. Results: Average visfatin level was significantly higher in diabetic patients than in controls (4.3 ± 1.06ng/dl vs. 3.15 ± 0.74ng/dl, respectively< 0.001). The mean values of anthropometric indexes and lipid profile were not significantly different between diabetic patients and controls Conclusion: This study documented an inverse relationship between circulating level of visfatin and fasting blood glucose. This finding may suggest the role of increased visfatin level and increase in synthesis and secretion of the cytokines from adipocytes. These findings may be useful for primary and secondary preventive issues in diabetic and pre-diabetic individuals.