摘要:In recent years, humanity has entered a new factory period, an age of electronic devices. The gadget-man working set and the mobility and abstract learning required by such gadgets leads Flusser (Mundo Codificado, 1st edn. Cosac Naify, São Paulo, 2007) to pose the question: what will factories be like in the future? We believe that this factory will be a place of creation and learning. As well as the mass production by machines allowed the widespread of various products and food, these electronic devices will free people for creative activities and mobility. Production Engineering must adapt and anticipate this new manufacturing paradigm, working on gradual adaptation of existing organizations and on the development of new organizations for this gadgets age. It is the production engineer role to study ways to better manage and organize factories and productive environments with a focus on creativity. In this paper, we present the theoretical foundations for Organizational Creativity—fundamental structure of the entertainment industries—under a standpoint of Production Engineering, highlighting the relationships that can open paths for the Production Engineering entry into these future factories. We hope to arouse interest of researchers and students alike for this field of knowledge that is each time harder to remain ignored in our society. We also hope to show entertainment industry members how the harmonization with Production Engineering tools may add to their job.