摘要:Lutein and β-carotene contents in 32 samples of field peas with green ( ), yellow (I.) and orange cotyledons ( OrcOrc ) were determined. The highest lutein concentration ranging between 0.768 and 1.394 mg/100 g was found in varieties with green cotyledons (median 0.978 mg/100 g). Yellow cotyledons contained lower amount of lutein, median = 0.692 mg/100 g. Big variation in lutein content was found in tested breeding lines with orange cotyledons, only 4 lines showed higher lutein content in comparison with the lowest value found in green cotyledons. Content of β-carotene in field peas with green cotyledons ranged between 0.1–0.2 mg/100 g. Field peas with yellow and orange cotyledons contain β-carotene in 10 times lower concentration. 27 samples of garden peas were tested. Lutein content fluctuated between 0.471 and 1.524 mg/100 g with median = 0.791 mg/100 g. Year-to-year differences in 54% of all repeatedly tested samples shoved coefficient of variation lower than 10%. Coefficient of variation under 20% was found in 96% of repeatedly analysed samples. A strong correlation ( r = 0.77, P < 0.01) between lutein and chlorophyll contents was found.